How to Stop Pulling the Golf Ball: Tips, Drills & Exercises for Straight Shots!

Golf balls in a basket for drills and exercises

Are you tired of pulling the golf ball off the tee? Do you want to stop pulling the golf ball and start hitting straight drives down the fairway? Attempting to fix a pulling issue can be daunting, but with the right knowledge and practice, you’ll soon be hitting shots straight down range. In this blog post, we’ll cover how to understand why it’s happening, as well as provide tips on improving your swing path and clubface alignment to finally put an end to those errant pulls.

We’ll also discuss grip strength exercises and drills that will have you confidently sending balls straight down range with ease – no more worrying about where they’re going. So if you’re ready for some real advice on how to stop pulling the golf ball once and for all, keep reading.

Understand the Causes of Pulling the Golf Ball

Playing golfers often confront the annoyance of slicing their shots. Understanding why it happens is key to correcting this issue. The three main causes of pulling the golf ball are poor swing path, incorrect clubface alignment, and weak grip.

A swing path that’s off-course can bring about shots being tugged left or right because of an inward or outward motion. This means that instead of swinging along your intended target line, you’re either cutting across it from outside in (out-to-in) or inside out (in-to-out). To correct this issue, practice with an alignment stick to see where your clubhead is going relative to your target line at address and impact positions.

Additionally, focus on keeping your hands ahead of the clubhead throughout the entire swing—from takeaway through follow-through—and make sure you’re not reaching for the ball, as this will lead to an outside-in motion and cause pulls.

A closed or open clubface at impact can be the source of pulls to the left and right, respectively. To determine if this is your issue on the tee box, inspect your setup before each shot; ensure neither hand has too much pressure applied that could result in closing down during transition into downswing motions like hip turn and shoulder rotation; additionally, employing a stronger grip than usual will make squaring up more achievable when swinging through.

Weak Grip:

A weak grip can also contribute towards pulling shots because if both hands aren’t equally balanced, they won’t work together properly, resulting in misalignment at the contact point between face angle and direction of travel – ultimately leading towards straight pull off-center strikes. So keep left hand low and right hand high during backswing and downswing; use a neutral grip whenever possible and strengthen wrists, forearms, and core muscles for better control over movements.

These elements all play a role in determining how accurate your shots are, so understanding them thoroughly is essential for improving your game. With some dedicated practice drills such as the towel drill (which improves swing path and clubface alignment), the hinge and hold drill (which strengthens grip), and the wall drill (which improves posture, balance, and weight transfer), you should soon start seeing positive results.

By understanding the causes of pulling the golf ball, you can better focus on improving your swing path and correct any alignment issues that may be causing it. To further improve your game, try practicing with an alignment stick to ensure proper clubface position during each shot.

Key Takeaway: With a proper understanding of the underlying causes, correcting your pull shots can be achieved by practicing drills such as towel drills and wall drills to improve swing path and clubface alignment, strengthen grip with hinge and hold drills and develop better posture for weight transfer.

Improve Your Swing Path

To achieve a successful shot, having the correct swing path is essential in golfing; an alignment stick can help practice this. Place the stick on the ground and aim it at the target you are aiming for. As you practice, keep your hands ahead of the clubhead and ensure they stay there throughout the entire motion. This will help guarantee that you don’t reach for the ball during your swing, which can cause a pull in either direction.

Another way to improve your swing path is by focusing on keeping both arms straight while swinging back and through with equal force from each arm. If one arm gets out of sync with the other, it can cause a misalignment between the clubface and target line leading to pulls off-target. Practicing hinge-and-holds or wall drills can help grip strength so that both arms remain in sync throughout every swing.

When setting up for shots, check that everything looks correct before taking a full swing: feet should be shoulder width apart; knees slightly bent; hips centered over feet; shoulders square with target line; elbows tucked into the body; wrists hinged correctly with palms facing away from each other; and finally grip pressure should be equal between left hand (low) and right hand (high). With all these pieces in place, you’ll have greater control over where your ball goes.

Following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure your swing path is on track and reduce the likelihood of pulling the golf ball. Subsequently, let’s look into adjusting the clubface orientation for enhanced precision.

Key Takeaway: Using an alignment stick and focusing on keeping both arms straight during the swing, as well as setting up with proper posture, can help you hit straighter shots by avoiding a pull. With some practice drills to improve grip strength and knowledge of the setup fundamentals under your belt, you’ll be ready to start driving like a pro.

Adjust Your Clubface Alignment

Adjusting your clubface alignment is essential for preventing a pull shot. Your setup position, the amount of face closure at impact, and your grip all play a role in keeping the ball straight.

Check Your Setup Position:

The first step to ensure that you’re not pulling the golf ball is to make sure your setup position is correct. You want an even weight distribution between both feet with slightly more pressure on your lead foot (the one closest to the target). Additionally, you should be aligned parallel to where you want the ball to go. If this isn’t done correctly, it will cause inconsistencies with contact point positioning and could result in a pull shot.

Make sure you’re not closing the face too much at impact: Another important factor when trying to avoid pulling shots is making sure you don’t close the face too much at impact. This means that when striking through impact, there shouldn’t be any rotation of your hands or wrists so that they are facing away from your body instead of towards it (which would indicate closing). If this happens, then it can cause mis-hits, which will send shots off-line left or right depending on how close it was hit off of the center-line.

By adjusting your clubface alignment, you can help ensure that the face is square at impact and avoid pulling the ball. To further reduce the chances of hitting a pull shot, it’s important also to strengthen your grip on the club.

Key Takeaway: It’s important to ensure your setup position is correct and you’re not closing the face too much at impact to stop pulling the golf ball. To avoid hitting pulls, make sure your weight distribution is even between both feet, keep from rotating hands or wrists during contact point positioning, and practice striking through impact without any closure of the clubface.

Strengthen Your Grip to Avoid Pulling the Ball

Having a strong grip on the golf club is one of the most important aspects of avoiding pulling the ball. To ensure even pressure in both hands, grip the club with your left hand slightly lower than your right and keep a relaxed tension. This will help to keep your swing path consistent and prevent you from closing the face too early at impact.

Maintaining your left hand close to the body while allowing for a complete rotation during backswing and downswing is key. Ensure that no unwarranted motion is present while swinging, or the ball could be sent off-target. A good drill for this is using an alignment stick across both shoulders to check yourself throughout each practice session.

Finally, a neutral grip can also help square up the face at impact and avoid pulling shots off-line. A neutral grip means having both hands pointing straight ahead toward where you are aiming instead of turning them clockwise or counterclockwise, like when setting up for a draw or fade shot, respectively. This helps promote consistency in contact point positioning, resulting in better accuracy over time.

Overall, having a strong grip on the golf club is essential if you want to avoid pulling shots off-line due to poor swing path, incorrect clubface alignment, or weak grip strength overall. 

By strengthening your grip and maintaining an equal amount of pressure in both hands, you can ensure that the clubface is square at impact to avoid pulling the ball. Practicing drills such as The Towel Drill, Hinge and Hold Drill, and Wall Drill are also effective methods for improving your swing path and preventing a pull shot.

Key Takeaway: Maintaining a strong grip, keeping your left hand low during the swing, and using a neutral grip are essential for avoiding pulling shots off-line. To hit it straight and narrow, focus on equal pressure in both hands while swinging to stay true to your target.

Practice Drills to Stop Pulling the Golf Ball

Many golfers have difficulty avoiding a pull shot, but this can be remedied with dedicated practice and exercises. One of the best ways to stop pulling the ball is to improve your swing path, clubface alignment, and grip strength. Here are three effective drills that can help you improve these areas:

The Towel Drill:

This drill helps improve both your swing path and clubface alignment. To do this drill, place a towel under one arm and ensure it stays in contact with your body as you complete your backswing. The goal is to keep the towel in contact with your body throughout the entire swing to maintain an ideal swing path.

The Hinge and Hold Drill:

This drill helps improve grip strength while teaching consistency in contact point positioning. Start by gripping a club normally, then hinge at both wrists while keeping them connected together as if they were glued together during the backswing phase of your swing. Hold this position until impact before releasing through impact into follow-through position. Doing this repeatedly will help strengthen your grip, allowing more consistent shots off the tee box or fairway without pulling or slicing too much from shot to shot.

Key Takeaway: To help stop pulling the golf ball, use drills such as the Towel Drill and Hinge and Hold Drill to improve your swing path, clubface alignment, and grip strength. These will ensure you stay on track for consistently successful shots every time.

The most common cause of pulling the golf ball is an incorrect alignment. When your feet, hips, and shoulders are not aligned with the target, you will tend to pull the ball left (for a right-handed golfer). Additionally, if your grip is too weak or too strong, it can lead to pulling the golf ball. Finally, having an incorrect swing path can also contribute to hitting pulls off the tee. It’s important to practice good fundamentals and have proper technique for consistent accuracy on each shot.

Pulling your golf shots is likely caused by an improper setup or poor swing mechanics. Position your feet with a shoulder-width distance between them, flexed knees, and weight balanced on the balls of your feet. Ensure you have a good grip with both hands and check that the clubface is square at address. Additionally, be mindful of how far back you take the club during your takeaway; if it’s too steep, then it can cause a pull shot as well. Lastly, keep your head still throughout the swing and avoid casting or scooping through impact for more consistent ball-striking results.

To stop pulling your golf driver, you must first understand why it is happening. Generally, this occurs when the club face is open at impact, and your swing path is too far to the left of the target line. To correct this issue, focus on keeping your hands in front of the ball throughout your downswing and ensuring you have a square clubface at impact. Additionally, ensure that you make an even weight shift from back to front during transition and practice drills, such as hitting balls with only one hand or setting up alignment sticks along your intended target line for reference points. With consistent practice and proper technique, you can hit straighter drives in no time.


Following the tips above, you can stop pulling the golf ball and improve your game. With consistent practice, improved swing path alignment, a stronger grip, and better clubface control, you’ll be able to hit straighter shots with more accuracy than ever before. Take some time to focus on these areas of your technique to gain greater consistency off the tee and enjoy lower scores.

Improve your golf game today by reading our reviews and guides on how to stop pulling the golf ball. Take advantage of our expert advice to help you reach your goals in no time!




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