How to Hang Golf Towel with Hole in the Middle (Guide)

golf towel hanging on the golf bag

So you have a golf towel with a hole in the middle and have no idea what to do with it?

We’ll golf towels with holes in the middle that are meant to be draped over your irons and hang loosely off them after that. It could seem a bit strange, but this way, you keep your clubs clean while still exposing them.

There are of course other types of golf towels such as ones with holes near the top meant for hooking over your golf bags. 

Below we’ll cover all of these different types of golf towels in case you were curious.

A Golf Towel: Why Do You Need One

You need many essential items in your golf bag, and golf towels are one of them. You use these towels to clean your golf balls and remove mud from them before you take a shot. Of course, there are many other things you can use your golf towel to do.

It is crucial to keep your golf equipment well maintained when playing your game, and your golf ball is one of the most important elements of your game. Before each shot, you need to clean your ball. This is to ensure that it fits seamlessly without moving in a single direction.

Step-by-step Guide on How to Hang Golf Towel with a Hole in the Middle

So, let us see the step-by-step guide on how to hang your golf towel hole middle correctly. Before then, let’s check all that you need to get started.

Things You Need

Golf Towel: This is the most essential material to complete the steps.

A Hook: You need this to hold up your towel. This can be a ring or hook located close to the top of your golf bag. Most standard golf bags come with rings or hooks designed for this purpose. If your bag does not have this, you can simply drape your towel on your irons with the hole.

Solid Item: It can be a wall or a desk. Your golf bag also has a stand attached to it. This can offer the same solidity if you are hanging your towel on the golf course. The solid item is to ensure that your towel does not droop down or fall off when you are done.

Next, push the hook of the towel through the middle hole, and that’s all. Now let us look at how to hang a golf towel with a hole in the middle in a step-by-step guide.

  • Find a Hook to Hang Your Golf Towel

You first need to find a hook that you can securely place your towel on without it drooping down or falling over. This can be a towel holder that you can attach to a doorframe or wall. If these are expensive options, you can use a towel hanger that has a hole in the middle.

With this, you can attach the hanger to a wall or door frame easily. It will keep your towel close without taking space. 

  • Attach Your Towel with a Carabiner to Your Golf Bag

The carabiner is another great tool you can use to hang your golf towel with a hole in the middle. Attach the carabiner to the middle loop on your microfiber golf towel on one side and the loop on the golf bag on the other.

  • Properly Position the Hook

When hanging a microfiber towel, or any other golf towel with a hole in the middle on a hook, it is best to position the hook properly. You should place the hook at an angle that it will be out of reach of children.

It should also be positioned away from the direct impact of sunlight. This will ensure that mold does not grow on it. (1)

  • Clean The Golf Towel

Next, you have to clean your towel to maintain its functionality and lifespan. Remember that you use your cool golf towel to clean your golf ball and for other purposes.

Therefore, you must clean it to remove all stains and dirt that might have gotten stuck to it while cleaning your golf balls. When you clean your towel, you increase its quality and prevent mold from making a home on it.

  • Extend the Life of Golf Towel

It is recommended that you do not wash your players towel regularly. When you do this, it will quickly lose its absorbency and softness. To help extend the lifespan of your towel, wash it when you notice it is dirty and has stains on it.

After washing it, hang it out to dry up, but not under the sun. You can also use an electric fan to dry it up. Also, you must avoid the use of strong chemicals, such as vinegar and bleach when washing your golf towel. Using these chemicals can damage the material used in making your golf towel hole middle.

It can also make the colors fade and make it smell bad. As mentioned, avoid direct sunlight on your towel for an extended period to avoid damaging the colors. This will help to extend the quality and durability of your microfiber towel. (2)

How to Take Care of your Golf Towel with Hole in the Middle

Put it Out of the Reach of Children: If you have toddlers or children, make sure that your golf towel is well out of their reach. They can destroy it or injure themselves with it while playing with it.

Maintain the Cleanliness: Clean your towel when it is dirty and stained. This will keep it soft, absorbent, and nice. However, you should not wash it regularly to avoid destroying the color and the material.

Test the Strength of the Hook: To prevent your golf towels from drooping or falling off, it is advised that you test the strength of the hook you are using. You can hang light objects on it to see if it doesn’t get pooled down easily by the items.

Wrapping Up

This post looks at how to hang golf towel with hole in middle in simple steps. It is pretty easy to hang your golf towel as you can see in the steps highlighted above.

Take a look at some of our related articles below.

(1) direct impact of sunlight –
(2) microfiber –

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